Sunday, July 22, 2012

Muhammad - Para Pengeja Hujan

Second book of Muhammad saw. biography written by Tasaro GK. Read my short review of the first book here. The book timeline is arranged not in order, so in the first book we can find Muhammad saw’s life in struggling Islam’s spreading in Mecca and Madina, the second book took us back to the time in Mecca before he was born and the story of his childhood and family. Then flew away to his success in Madina, his name was known by many emperial around like Persia, Rome, Syria and others. Facing the sadness because of Muhammad’s death, Abu Bakar and Umar bin Khatab his best companion took over the leadership in order. While in some other place a dispute happened inside the palace of Persia and Kashva still searching the true Prophet and his journey took his step to Tibet. 

Gosh, this book is awesome... but the story has not been ended, there must be the third book. I mean, I want to know the continue of Islam wars against those hater nations. And what happen to Persian characters Kashva, Xerxes and Astu?


  1. buy it from book store or search online...tapi hati2 juga ketika di bagian putri Nabi Muhammad saw. "berseteru" dengan Abu Bakar perihal tanah Fandak, karena ada yang berpendapat hadist yang menyatakan bahwa Fatimah mendiamkan Abu Bakar hingga 6 bln beliau meninggal tidaklah benar karena Nabi tidak mungkin mendidik putrinya seperti itu, hadis tsb bersumber dari kalangan Syiah dan harus ditelusuri kebenarannya. Yang benar ketika Fatimah mempertanyakan kepemilikan tanah Fandak Abu Bakar menjelaskan dengan lemah lembut dan Fatimah pun menerima, lagipula Fatimah bukan seseorang yg menginginkan harta. Wallahualam. So hadeets must be from accurate source...
