Saturday, September 8, 2012

Shui Skin & Body Center

Shui is a beauty center which is in my opinion focused on facial treatment but they also provide complete beauty treatment from head to toe : body spa, various facials, meni-pedi and acupuntur (doctor available) involving modern machines. I usually have a spa treatment whenever I visit a beauty center and the place must be stricted  for women only. The main purpose only to relax and circulate blood by body massage. I focus on HEALTH NOT BEAUTY. On this Shui visit besides spa I tried aha facial and pedicure. I must say I’m not  a fans of facial and meni-pedi, that was my second experience for facial and pedi :) 

Short Review :
  • Location : Grand Eastern Jalan Pasirkaliki right in front of Paskal Hyper Square
  • Ambience : 2 floor modern building, dominated by lime green interior except for spa area which is red
  • Product : Producing Shui products for all treatments
  • Service : Quiet friendly but I feel the therapists are all new and lack of training in how to treat customer’s face and body. I admit the pedi was good, the spa was only half-good but the facial was nightmare… rought massage during facial and spa (well, it’s relative, for some others perhaps it was a good one). And the facial, I was ok with process’ of cleansing, maskering, AHA-ing and so on but the taking the tiny pimples part on my face using a tool sort of large needle was very hurting. I had to ask the therapist to stop doing it and it caused a wound on my forehead (found this after I got back at home). When I had a spa I had a chit-chat about the facial treatment and she said if we want to be beautiful we must feel pain before. Well, sorry but I disagree missy… that would be my last experience for me to do some facial and spa there.
  • Price : 125K for spa, above 100K for various facials (the highest price for Gold Facial), around 50K for meni-pedi treatment. I duno the charge for acupuntur.

Note : pics taken from their adv material

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