Book series written by talented Mrs. Dewi “Dee” Lestari, also known as a singer. Until now, she has published 4 supernova books : KPBJ, Akar, Petir and Partikel . She plans to write another 2 book for the series near in the future : Gelombang and Inteligensi Embun Pagi. What a go Supernova! I read the first and second book years ago, now re-read them and on the way for third and fourth books.
The 1st book is full of high level scientific language and I don’t even understand the meaning explained in the footnotes, honestly. Pure fiction made by a scientist. I wonder how many books Dee had read. Characters are ranging from location-problem-age-life purpose (or still looking for life purpose), totally living in different dimentions but somehow they were all connected. 2nd book is more adventurous, I was like flown away to hidden places in Bolivia, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia… 3rd book is funny to me since it is very Bandung-ish and one of character was converting to Islam because of marriage but she still kept her previous religion faith.
As my Islam counchesness has been increasing, these books give me huge views of philosophy (Qur’an is the real philosophy if only they knew), Buddha religion and people who believe in the concept of God, Heaven and Hell but disobey God’s rules. They search for ‘something’ while that ‘something’ is right near them, IMHO. To me these are interesting life-journeys-books to read :) Simply don't think too hard, just put Allah first and everything will clear...
No philosophies are real. They're just philosophies.